
Your curiosity has taken you to this page.

I don't blame you, I would have clicked on it too. I've found some images below that might interest you, and there are also a few documents. It's relating to something called... Gnosis? The note next to it was seek gnosis, and you'll find it. This is an interesting scavenger hunt. I-- or you, might have looked at it already.

Strange things have been happening. I intercepted a message, this seems like troubling news. There might be some information about what's referenced somewhere in here. If not this page, must be another.

SNOR (Scavenger Network Online Resource, Map of the United States)

SNOR Map of the United States. This map was stolen from one the of attaches' they're not going to miss it though. We won't have much use either but... it's good to have nevertheless.

SNOR (Scavenger Network Online Resource, Map of the Louisville Region)

SNOR Map of the Louisville area.

Official Documents: